Does you Mission Statement help grow your business?
Are you in business just for the money or do you lead people with a Mission & Vision?
Usually money alone is a terrible reason to start and grow a business. Very few people are motivated by money alone. As the years go by, you will find that it takes more than money to get people out of bed.
It takes more than money to make them WANT to come into work. It takes more than money to get them excited to do what they do. So if your company’s Mission is not good, accurate, or motivating, then your growth and team’s happiness is probably lacking to say the least.
Once you understand the real reason you do what you do, define your “Purpose” and your “Why”, then share with your team, they start coming into work feeling like part of a team. They feel more self-worth and understand how their individual role plays an important part of delivering value to customers.
They are working towards something every day…it’s the MISSION! Just working cold for a paycheck. That doesn’t sound like much fun does it? Here’s a comparison to see if you truly get how to properly arrive at your Mission Statement…
Old School Way…
You are filling in a blank line because someone told you that you needed a Mission Statement. So you thought about it for a few minutes, did a few drafts, and then quickly wrote it down and tucked it away with other business plans or paperwork.
You Get it!
You actually discussed in detail, with your leadership team, as a group, what the real meaning of your existence is. Why do they love doing what they do? What difference do they or your service/products make with your customers? What makes them feel good about their work?
Then you follow the proper method of writing a Mission Statement. Here’s what I suggest..
Our (Mission, Purpose or Passion) is to (what you do) because (why).
For example: “Our purpose is designing the most creative coffee mugs because they make customer’s days brighter.”
There are many formulas for Mission Statements. I find that the shorter and more precise, the better. One sentence only and as few words as you needed to make the statement.
Need help coming up with a Mission Statement your leadership team can get behind?
I provide Mission & Vision Workshops in the Kansas City area and around the U.S. and they only take a few hours but make a remarkable difference for your team’s focus!