10 Simple Questions for Business Owners....

Take our quick test to find out if your business has strong and healthy leadership. Great leadership means you gain control of your busines and have the lifestyle you intended to have when you started the company. We all want to believe that the sun always shines on our businesses and that we run a great company. Find out the truth now…

#1. Do you feel you’re in control of every aspect of your business with few worries? You can leave any time you like knowing business goes on?

#2. Does everyone on your team know what the company Mission and Vision are and what role they play in helping you get there?

#3. Do you wish you had more time to spend with individuals for mentoring, training and building relationships?

#4. Do you have the capability of increasing revenues when you want through sales and marketing strategies?

#5. Are you making really healthy profits to reward yourself properly and put money back into the company?

#6. Do you feel like you have a healthy culture and everyone loves coming into work everyday?

#7. Can you easily describe your culture and brand to employees and customers so you can keep growing a healthy culture?

#8. Do you feel like all departments, products and services are streamlined and organized for consistent delivery?

#9. Do you think you or your employees would describe you as a great leader for your company or would they begin to list your faults?

#10. Do you know how much your company is worth if you sold it today and how to increase it’s value exponentially?



1. Do you feel you’re in control of every aspect of your business with few worries? You can leave any time you like knowing business goes on?

Did you answer NO to any of these questions?

If so, it doesn’t mean you are a failure, a bad leader or anything negative necessarily. It just means
you have some work to do. Now that you are aware of it, we can help you locate coaching or workshops
to guide you and your team to greener pastures!

Discover a coaching program that
can help you get the business you
want vs. the one you have!

Healthy Brands is a professional business coaching and consulting agency for business owners, CEO's and leadership teams.

Call Now: 816 718 8018